Sistema de puntos PvP
Cada vez que matamos a jugadores de raza enemigos, recibimos "contributions Points (CP). Tambien si somos matados por juegadores de raza enemigos perderemos CP. La cantidad de puntos ganados o perdidos dependera del nivel de LvL del jugador del rango y de los puntos que tenga acumulados la raza. Al principio los CP se ganan realizando quest, dependiendo de la quest te dara mas o menos CP. Tambien ganaremos puntos participando en una guerra de raza o Chip war, solo con coger el holy scanner y que la raza gane, nos daran 5000 puntos, otra manera de ganar puntos es haciendo que tu guild se apunte a las GvG, Guild contra Guild, cada vez que participes te daran 2000 CP.
Accion realizada
Ajuste del CP aproximado
Matando enemigos que esten por debajo de ti en 5 niveles
1-100 contribution points
Matando enemigos que esten entre los 5 niveles tuyos.
300 contribution points
Matando un enemigo que este 5 niveles por encima tuyo.
500-1,000 contribution points
Paricipando en una Chip War
5.000 contribution points
Participando en un GvG guild contra Guild
2.000 contributions points
Zona pendiente de traduccion:
As contribution points are accumulated, players will climb the CP ladder for their race. The player with the most contribution points within each race is known as the "race leader" and has several special priveleges: the ability to broadcast messages to the entire race, the ability to converse with the opposing race leaders, the ability to call a race-wide poll, customized armor, and a special aura to alert others of his/her race standing.
The following four runners-up are sub-leaders of the race. Their special priveleges include: the ability to broadcast messages to the entire race, customized armor, and a special aura similar to that of the race leader. As one can probably imagine, competition over these five slots can be fierce.
A player's rank within their race depends not only upon their own contribution points, but upon the contribution points of their allies. For example, to reach the next highest rank within your race, you not only need to gain contribution points, but you also need to displace your allies by surpassing their contribution point total. Players are automatically promoted or demoted depending upon their contribution point totals ingame. A list of each race's ranking system is below:
Rank 0
One Knot
Rank 1
Two Knot
Rank 2
Three Knot
Rank 3
Four Knot
Rank 4
Five Knot
Rank 5
Six Knot
Rank 6
Seven Knot
Rank 7
Eight Knot
En el cuadro de abajo representa la imagen que aparece junto al nombre del jugador cuando es seleccionado, dependiendo de la raza y el nivel, la imagen cambia, por la imagen podemos saber que nivel rango pertenece.
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